‘Tis the season to be mulching

Did you know, proper mulching is one of the best things you can do for your tree?

Spring is a great time to review your landscape design and this year you should consider putting some mulch rings around your beloved trees. Mulching is a simple and powerful tool to ensure your tree lives a full and healthy life. But, it must be done correctly. Mulch that is piled up against the trunk of the tree ( mulch volcano) promotes root growth that wraps around the trunk which then girdles the trunk tissue like a boa constrictor. This style of mulching is seen often and can severely comprise a tree.

on the opposite end of the spectrum, applying no mulch forces your tree to compete for water against the dense root mats of turf grass. ( this conflict is a leading reason for those unsightly surface roots trees sometimes produce) In the event of a light rain, grass roots absorb all the water; a mulch ring makes it easier for rain water to penetrate soil and reach tree roots. Allowing grass to grow near your tree also increases the likelihood of string trimmer and lawn mower inquiry. Mulch creates a buffer from the sensitive trunk tissue and abrasive lawn equipment.

In general, a wider mulched area is more beneficial than deep mulch. Two inches is all the depth you need and try to dedicate a mulch ring that measures two feet out from the base of the tree from all sides. Mulch from previous seasons should be removed before adding new mulch to avoid mounding. No mulch should be touching the tree, the trees root flair should be visible and left exposed. The image below is a great example of proper mulching.

A properly mulched tree is a healthy tree and a healthy tree is more resilient to the inherent stressors urban trees face. So, if you love your tree and want it to grow for many generations be sure to add a mulch ring around your tree.

Note how there is no mulch piled up against the trunk of the tree and the root flair is visible.

