Bexley City Code §1026.08 PROHIBITED SPECIES indicates the following species cannot be planted along the public streets or public places:

      (1)    Acer negundo (box elder);

      (2)    Acer saccharinum (silver maple);

      (3)    Ailanthus altissima (tree of heaven);

      (4)    Catalpa (catalpa - all common species, cultivars and varieties);

      (5)    Ginkgo biloba (Ginkgo): female only

      (6)    Morus (mulberry - all fruiting species, cultivars and varieties);

      (7)    Populus (poplar - all common species, cultivars or varieties);

      (8)    Salix (willow - all common species, cultivars or varieties);

      (9)    Ulmus pumila (siberian elm).

      (10)   Shrubs;

      (11)   Horse chestnut (all fruiting species; cultivars and varieties);

      (12)   Apple;

      (13)   Black locust;

      (14)   American elm (all fruiting species; cultivars and varieties);

      (15)   European white birch;

      (16)   European Mountain ash;

      (17)   American sweet gum (unless fruitless variety);

      (18)   Bradford pear.

Ord. 7-12. Passed 3-12-13.

